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Vue JS 3, React JS & Angular - Guide to Popular Frameworks

Publicado en 16 Nov 2024

Udemy UK

What you'll learn

  • Most popular web frameworks -> React, Angular & Vue JS
  • Features explained on practical examples
  • Base and core concepts of the three most popular frameworks


  • Basic JS or any programming language knowledge


Understand basics and difficult parts of the 3 most popular frameworks - React, Angular and Vue.

What is Vue JS, React JS, Angular ?

They are javascript frameworks. React is a library.

What is Framework(FW)/ Library ?

Environment, set of tools and guide lines build on top of the programming language(JS in case of this course). FW exposes functionalities, handles lifecycle of the application and defines set of rules how application should be written in order to follow best FW practices.

Every framework is different, but there is one thing they have in common. They are builded on top of JS so if you are familiar with JS you can learn any fro-tend(FE) FW very fast!

Angular -> Angular is an application design framework and development platform for creating efficient and sophisticated single-page apps.

React -> A JavaScript library for building user interfaces

Vue -> (pronounced /vjuː/, like view) is a progressive framework for building user interfaces.

What are you going to build ?

In this course you are going to create application for keeping track of the resources. Resource can be anything on the internet(blog, video, book etc.).

You are going to build one application in 3 Frameworks so you will understand and memorize the differences in web application development.

This application will have functionalities to create, update and delete the resource. Through the process of creating these features you will learn core concepts of each framework.

In first section we will work on most basics concepts by creating simple counter application.

Later I will explain you how FW works under the hood and how the application is rendered in your browser. You will learn it on wireframes and real examples from FW code it self.

Next, you are going to integrate very simple layout backed by Bootstrap. You will learn how to manipulate data, how to keep track of them and how to reflect data changes in your application. Every handles data in different fashion.

In next sections you will learn how to make an API request to remote server. We will explain what is a proxy and why we need to use a proxy. You will fetch a data from a remote database and use them in your application.

In last sections we will talk about the routing. You will create multiple pages and navigation between them. Every framework has a different routing system. I will be explaining more advanced and newest concepts of each FW.

In the end you will implement search functionality and I will be explaining patterns how to propagate data to entire application. It will be explained on a feature that can change the application settings.

As the last thing we will deploy each application on Heroku platform so you can share your application on internet.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner developers not sure which framework to start working in
  • More experienced developers looking for a practical guide
  • Developers wanting to have one guide for every framework

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