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Google Data Practitioner PRACTICE EXAM

Publicado en 15 Nov 2024

Udemy UK

What you'll learn

  • Design and build data processing systems
  • Operationalize machine learning models
  • Implement data security and governance practices
  • Analyze and visualize data to derive business insights


  • None


"This practice exam consists of 6 sections, each containing 70 questions, covering all the topics included in the certification exam."

The Google Cloud Data Practitioner certification path prepares individuals to leverage Google Cloud technologies for data-driven decision-making. This course offers a curated learning path of on-demand courses and hands-on labs, culminating in skill badges to demonstrate proficiency.

The main topics covered in the certification include:

  1. Introduction to Data Engineering on Google Cloud: Learners explore the role of data engineers and how Google Cloud tools like BigQuery help solve data challenges.

  2. Deriving Insights from BigQuery Data: This course includes SQL queries, troubleshooting common errors, and reporting using BigQuery data.

  3. Preparing Data for Looker Dashboards and Reports: It focuses on building, merging, and filtering data for effective dashboard creation.

  4. Introduction to AI and Machine Learning on Google Cloud: This course introduces key AI and ML tools, products, and services on Google Cloud for developing predictive and generative models​.

You can explore the details and start these learning paths through the official Google Cloud Skills Boost platform. This learning track equips you with the knowledge to pursue an Associate Data Practitioner certification, showcasing your ability to analyze data, build models, and extract insights in real-world business contexts​

Who this course is for:


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