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Affiliate Marketing For Beginners - Simple Steps to Success

Publicado en 29 May 2024

Udemy UK

What you'll learn

  • Discover How To Build A Sustainable Online Business and Become Your Own Boss
  • Track Down The Hottest Niches Ready To Be Picked and Profited From
  • Learn How To Dig-up Lucrative Products To Promote
  • Unlock The Know-how Needed To Create Income Producing Websites
  • Master The Skills To Promote Your Products For "FREE" Using SEO On Google And Bing
  • Copy The Hidden Process Of Spotting Easy "Money" Keywords To Shoot Your Sites To The Top Of The Search Engines
  • Discover How To Transform Simple Website Visitors Into High Converting Commission Generators
  • Gain The Skills To 10X ANY Website's Profits Using Email Marketing
  • Duplicate The Indoctrination Email Sequences To Turn Strangers Into Life Long Customers (Templates Included)
  • Steal the Simple "Bribe" Technique To Grab Floods Of Subscribers Onto Your Email List
  • Discover How To Pre-Frame Your Visitors To Make More Sales Of Your Affiliate Products
  • Learn The Skills That Hypnotize Your Visitors Into A Buying Frenzy
  • Unlock The Coolest FREE Link Building Strategies To Super Power Your Affiliate Websites
  • Get Your Hands On The Little Known Content Ranking Formula, That Forces Google To Give You FREE Traffic, Even If They Don't Want To!


  • #1 Requirement is to be excited about becoming an affiliate marketer and becoming your own boss.
  • There are supplementary tools mentioned in this training course that require additional investment. Some are mandatory, like a domain name and hosting, but others are optional.


Is One Or More Of These Things True?

  1. You're fed up with your progress or your profits so far?

  2. You are sick of the BS hype, promising so much, but delivering so little?

  3. You are confused about what really works and what doesn't?

  4. You're ready right now to learn what will work for you?

If there is one thing that holds most people back, it is finding the right person you can learn and grow with.

This should be a trainer you fit with, with the right strategies that can launch you into action.


My Promise To You:

I, Ciaran Doyle, promise to show you the affiliate business-building steps to...

  • Eliminate the confusion, squash the uncertainty and frustration, while...

  • Earning a full-time affiliate income, plus more,

  • Working less than you think you have to,

  • Getting more recognition for what you do,

  • And just having more fun than you can remember.


So, if you are looking for that final breakthrough, that last little push towards success, you are in the right place.

  • I always like to ask my students

  • What’s your normal morning routine like? Think about it

  • Now imagine waking up, bright and fresh, maybe in a strange land, checking your email, and seeing affiliate commissions landing in your inbox overnight

  • Or maybe you are out with family and friends, eating a fancy meal with your loved ones, not slaving away in a job, and your phone dings, another commission, earning money on autopilot.

  • I’m going to show you how to make this scenario and affiliate marketing a reality for yourself.

Because, when you learn what I'm going to teach you, it makes life fun... to see and hear those email dings coming in… YOUR very own system is set up and running, working its magic, even while YOU sleep.


But what if you’re not qualified?

Here’s the truth about affiliate marketing

  1. You don’t need to be an expert,

  2. You don’t need to have done this before to promote products and make sales,

  3. You don’t need to be a university, college, or even high school graduate

  4. And, you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars to make this a reality.

  5. This training is specifically created with the goal of you being successful with it (not purchasing and leaving it like so many others)

  6. Also, it is created to ensure that you take the required steps to get your first niche affiliate marketing business up and running in a super quick time.

  7. When you go through the training videos you will have to do tasks,

  8. Once you have finished them, tick them off the list, send me a check-in, it's that straightforward.

A simple training structure (not over complicated like so many others) that has taken people just like You with absolute zero knowledge of the internet and affiliate marketing and given them the formula to create an income-producing affiliate business.



Well, this affiliate marketing training is based on a strategy that works, and that over time this strategy gets stronger and produces more income, called the compounding effect.

It uses SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and utilizes search engines, like Google, Yahoo, and Bing to make money for free. The compounding effect works when you create content for your niche affiliate sites...


More Content Over Time EQUALS More Compounding EQUALS More Sales.

Plus I show you the easiest way to find super relevant content for any niche online, without even having to create it yourself.


What many people teach and only really applies to experienced marketers.

They teach setting up landing pages and using overly priced Facebook and Instagram Ads. This can work but has a huge and expensive learning curve to see any profit.

For a start, Facebook Ad costs have gone through the roof, and affiliates are in a panic. And with the iOS update on Apple phones, it means that you are able to actually reach fewer people than before.

Fewer people to reach EQUALS More competition for the ads EQUALS MORE expensive ads.


When people are browsing social media, they are relaxing, chilling out, talking with friends, stalking ex gfs and bfs, etc… their intent is NOT to purchase products.

So actually converting them into sales is really a long and expensive process (and better left until you have a solid affiliate business producing you income to enable you to test things).

Unlike a person searching on Google, Bing, or Yahoo for a solution to their problem,

When your website appears they are actually actively looking for the solution you are offering,

So that means they convert at a much higher rate.

Searching For A Real Solution To A Problem EQUALS A Higher Likelihood To Convert To A Sale For You.

If you have fallen for the social media gurus before, don’t worry, many of my students have been in the same predicament before they came to me.

So, for a change, you will learn the real fundamentals of the internet.

The skills and strategies haven’t changed since marketing began.

These are the things that actually WILL work for you, no matter the niche you want to be in, and in a much quicker time.

Do you want to get real results for a change?

Do you want to be able to quit your job and work on your online business?

You will be able to easily follow along with the over-the-shoulder step-by-step approach to help this become a reality for you…

Simply do what I do, and let me guide you to succeeding online.



How This Affiliate Marketing Training works

The training is split into 2 parts, totaling 9 modules.

In the first part of the training, you will discover the exact steps you need to find niche affiliate products, get the best domain names, create content using SEO  or search engine optimization, which gives you tons of free visitors, and how to make websites that personally bring me in $80 to $300 a day, and even more.

This section of the training is full of the fundamental techniques that are designed to build your confidence with affiliate marketing and help you make your first affiliate sale in as little time as possible.

In the second part of this course, you will learn how to turn your website onto autopilot and increase your sales 10X by utilizing email marketing, quiz marketing, website power-boosting backlinking, and clever content tricks that Google loves and gives you tons of free traffic, always.

Here is a quick summary of what you will take away from this course

Understanding how you can make money online in ANY niche,

How to pick the perfect products so you know they will convert into sales, not all products are created equally,

How to create content that lures in visitors and makes sales super quickly,

How to plan, design, and build niche affiliate sites easily,

How to build a long term sustainable online business and income,

How to apply what you learn to many other digital marketing niches. This is the stuff that will make you a very wealthy person.




Part 1 Affiliate Marketing

This is all about affiliate marketing

What affiliate marketing actually is,

How it will work for you,

What you will be promoting,

How to find the right affiliate program on networks like Clickbank, Amazon, Market Health, etc.

How you will get paid for what you do,

But not only that, how to find the right industry, company, products or services, and partnerships to promote, in any niche, using the power of Google to help you find them.

I’ll show you how to find thousands of products and brands with a simple search, ready to be plucked up by you and used to create monthly affiliate revenue.

You'll also uncover

How to look at affiliate products and programs to know whether they are good or bad,

And in addition, you will KNOW if that product will sell well for you or not.

This is the real foundational base of what affiliate marketers do, so you can understand how and why you will make money with this online business.


Part 2 Niche Selection

When you know how to pick the right affiliate marketing niche to enter, your affiliate marketing work and journey to success become a whole lot easier and quicker.


If you pick the wrong merchant to promote you might not make even a dime and waste your valuable time.

The key here is knowing how to look at niche markets and then

Actually See Inside Them,

And Spot The Perfect Angle To Profit.

Because without knowing the Niche within the Niche, you will face too much competition and it will become so much harder to make any sales.

Here's an example: Yoga vs Yoga For Women With Arthritis, a wide market vs targeted market.

Which one do you go for easier affiliate sales?

Yep, Yoga For Women With Arthritis.

But, most beginners don't this, they jump on the affiliate product or service that is on-trend, or in too wide a niche, or because they heard another famous affiliate marketer made a million dollars with it.

This is where the problems happen.

And when success eludes beginners and they make no referrals, they feel like a failure, burned by affiliate marketing, but that's not the case...

And is the complete opposite of what you will feel when you complete this section.


Part 3 How To Pick The Perfect Domains

You may not know it, but there is an art and science to picking the perfect domain name for your website.

Have you tried? Not so easy right?

You see, not all domain names are created equal.

If you pick the right domain

It can help your affiliate website convert more visitors into referral sales,

And also help you rank really well in the search engines.

If you pick the wrong one

It can completely turn off visitors before they even get to your site.

PS It’s not a good idea to call your website something like

CiaransReviews dot com or MariasBlog dot com.

On top of knowing how to pick the best type of domain for your new online business, you will discover

The best way to trick Google and the search engines into thinking your brand new website has been around for years,

And that you are an experienced authority in your niche or service area, even though you aren’t.


Part 4 Clustering Of Your Content

Following on from the domain section, imagine you could unwrap the secrets to make your website or blog instantly resonate with Google.

A little-known formula that makes the search engines think that your website is the best in your chosen niche...

Well that was what clustering is about!

You will be finding what is called a 'super-targeted niche'.

Not a wide niche like Golf or Yoga, we will go deeper inside these niches to find the gold (like mentioned above).

You will then find all of the related supporting topics to help your targeted niche excel.

This is where the power-up starts to happen!

Next, you will craft extremely well-liked content (I'll show you how) around these things:

  1. That gets so much respect from the search engines,

  2. Shoots your new website up past your competition,

  3. To the top of the search engines, and...

  4. In front of the people ready to solve their problem and get your solution.

  5. Even if you are not a writer, or have never done this before.

Without this,

Your affiliate link and website will lie unvisited on page 10 or 20 of the search results and not make ANY sales.

You are going to love the ease and simplicity of this overlooked content structuring strategy.

Part 5 - Your Website, Your Hub

This is the final module of Part #1.

This is where you take everything that you have done in the last few modules and bring it together on your newly created affiliate website.

You will follow along step by step as I bring you through the whole niche affiliate website setup, from:

  1. Purchasing your first domain,

  2. Getting your hosting set up,

  3. Your website created,

  4. Your content is uploaded, and then

  5. The gold of SEO is Content Optimization.

When done correctly following this specific optimization formula, you will get an unfair advantage, and create:

  • Extremely strong audience targeted high converting content,

  • That talks directly to your customer or buyer,

  • And the search engines at the same time,

  • Creating an automatic machine that brings in more and more sales the longer it is active.

You will get addicted to creating these websites, and the more you create the better and easier they will become. I can get them set up now, in about 4 hours from start to finish.

And when you follow along, build yours out and learn the process, you will be able to do it too, but you need to learn it first.

Part 6 – Email Marketing

Once you have gotten here well done. You are onto the first Module of Part #2.

With everything that you have learned so far, you can have a fully functioning and long-term sustainable business created...

And have your email ding with new commissions daily…

But, imagine being able to take everything you have done and then inject it with turbo fuel.

Well, that is what email marketing does.

It turns your website into a money-printing machine due to the power of what is called permission marketing. You get permission to send people affiliate offers anytime you want!

You will unlock how to:

  • How to set up and manage your email software,

  • Craft engaging email marketing emails,

  • Build up your first indoctrination email sequence (you get the templates),

  • Create your subscriber grabbing squeeze pages (which gathers your client's email address),

  • And bridge pages (which helps you convert more visitors into sales), but not only that…

  • You'll discover the keys to the beautifully cunning ethical bribe.

The Ethical Bribe is used to convince people to give you their email address. You create it in such a way that the person who sees it would be silly to turn down your offer.

You do all of the above, so you can sell (and provide value) to your customers for the lifetime they are on your email list.

One Email Subscriber Can Mean Multiple Sales Over Their Lifetime.

Now consider the average value of 1 subscriber on an email list equals $1 Per Month.

Now imagine if you had 5,000 or 10,000 subscribers.

Part 7 – Quiz Marketing

In this module, we take email marketing to the next level.

And you'll discover the clever little Quiz marketing strategy that converts more people into sales, by actually helping them solve the problems they have through quizzes (even if they are just doing them for fun).

Quizzes are highly engaging, massively shareable, and more likely to go viral than any other form of content.

This means that more and more people see your affiliate offers, and also convert them into sales.

You'll learn

  1. How To Find Readymade Quizzes Already Working In Your Niche,

  2. How to grab them to use for yourself,

  3. How to set them up to get more email subscribers,

  4. And how to convert more quiz users into sales.

Your new affiliate marketing business will skyrocket by utilizing quizzes to increase your monthly income levels.

Part 8 – Back Linking

In this module, you will learn one of the key elements that will make your affiliate marketing website super strong, and impervious to new competition.

And these are called backlinks - little votes of confidence showing that you have a great website.

There are a few really important things that Google views as critical to a good website publisher.

They are deciding factors in how high Google ranks your website in the search engines.

The better and more relevant these links, the more Google sees your website like the one to rank higher in the search engine results.

Note The higher you rank the more visitors you get; the more sales you make.

And that is what this section is about.

Who wouldn’t want to jump past their competition into position number 1, and keep that position no matter how much they try to pass you.

When you know how easy backlinks are to get, you will become addicted to them, and also see your website get so much more traffic.

Real SEO gold.

Part 9 – NOOR Strategy

Finally, in this last module, you learn the NOOR strategy.

Basically, this means No Other Option Ranking.

It is a strategy that is based on a simple mathematical formula!

Don't Let That Scare You!

It is super easy to implement (like 5 years old easy) once you know the steps.

NOOR is about getting floods of visitors to your website FOR FREE within a super short space of time.

As you probably guessed - this is a secret content creation and keyword research strategy, that

  • Gives the search engines no other option but to rank your affiliate website and products,

  • And give you visitors for free.

This is a crazy skill to have for ANY affiliate marketer or website owner.

And finally, in this training, you have what is Called Check-ins...


That major problem I talked about at the start of this page, finding the right trainer goes hand in hand with this part of the course.

One of the biggest reasons I see people not making money in affiliate marketing is this

Keeping tabs on what they are doing along the way.

But, this is also one of the easiest to change!

That is why I have created the Checkin section which utilizes Udemy and the FB Messenger Platform.

After every few video lessons

  • You will answer a few questions to gauge your understanding of what it is you are doing,

  • And also to show me what you have achieved so far.

This here is key to your affiliate marketing business.

It will build your confidence in getting things done, and help you know you are on the right track to success.


That is what the Affiliate Marketing training includes, lots of great lessons for you to get your teeth stuck into!

Important Note While many people will make really good money quickly, this training is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme and not an overnight solution.

You will have to put in the work to make this happen, you will have to watch the videos and take action on what I say. But, if you can do this, I will guide you through all the things you need to build your first online business with Affiliate Marketing.

If you can...

Follow the easy step-by-step training videos, YOU WILL get your first fully functional online business up and running and producing income in super quick time.

With Over 60 Easily Actionable Lessons, downloads, copy-paste templates, PDFs, and Excel/Google Sheets docs

  • I walk you through every detail, step by step,

  • So you get the same results as if I was doing it for you.

On top of that, if you ever get stuck, don’t worry, help is at hand.

Because once you become a student of this training course, you will receive continuous support from me – for lifetime.

I will share my advice and answers to your questions whenever you need help from me (please give me time to respond though).


  1. If you are looking for super straightforward instructional training that won’t have you pulling your hair out,

  2. That won’t cost you an arm and a leg,

  3. And most importantly, a proven strategy to make money with affiliate marketing that cuts the learning curve and just gives you the actionable no fluff strategy you need,

  4. If this is what you are after…then welcome to our tight and happy community.

I look forward to seeing you on the inside, helping you start affiliate marketing right away, and achieve the results that are going to turn your life around.

Dedicated to your success.

Ciaran Doyle

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner online business people, interested in building a success online business
  • As long as you can speak English and are willing to put in time every week to do the things necessary and get content created you are able to do this training and become an affiliate marketer.

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(Cupón válido para las primeras 1000 inscripciones): FREECOURSE2
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